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CJ Chilvers

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Mies van der Rohe Marketing

Have you heard about the latest “trend” in online marketing? It’s not really a trend — good publishers have been doing it all along. But with the recent privacy changes at Apple (and soon many others), online publishers have had to resort to some old-school methods of getting the word

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After, Not Once

When I was a technical writer, one of the first things I learned was the difference between “once” and “after.” We were just creating manuals and procedures, but this one rule was profound and extended way beyond our day-to-day writing. The rule was: never use “once.” “Once” is an imprecise

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The Importance of Your Calendar

A few great quotes from Merlin Mann from this week’s Back to Work podcast []: > “A calendar is a map for your time. A calendar is the decisions you have made about your future. This is the glass that holds your temporal water.” “If

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Experiments Check-In 2

I have a few updates since my last 2021 experiments update []. I do these mostly for myself, but I figure they may help others on similar journeys. The Good * Readership and follows are still going up across all platforms, but especially the newsletter [https://www.

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A Good Philosophy for Personal Publishing

From Om Malik []: > “I have often lamented that the ‘why’ of blogging got overtaken by the ‘what’ and the ‘how,’ with the tools and format becoming the primary focus. Ironically I made the same mistake with my newsletter. I don’t work

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Daily Lunch Notes Update

This may be the last two weeks of my punny, daily lunch [] notes [] to my son. He says the other kids at lunch enjoy them more than he does now. After a few years, the joke is starting get old.

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The Problem with Newsletter Advice

I started following a bunch of new newsletter publishers recently to see what advice they were giving out to young people. I don’t disagree with the things they say, but I usually disagree with the context. Personal newsletters should have no rules. They are where you find your audience,

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Generosity Comes from People

Fom Josh Spector []: > “No one wants a newsletter from a company, but lots of people would like a newsletter from a smart person who works for that company.” This is where everything is going, especially as data from email

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Algorithm vs. Audience

From Rene Ritchie [] (who recently went from employee to independent publisher): > “Replace ‘algorithm’ with ‘audience’ and it’s 900x better for your mental health. From powerless to empowered. You’re the one at bat, picking the swings. You won’t connect every time.

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My Holy Grail Pen and Paper

Writers spend way too much time and money seeking out their “grail” pen and paper combo — the tools that will make their work so much “smoother.” It’s a pattern we’ve seen repeated in all creative pursuits. I did that for a while, many years ago, but it faded