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CJ Chilvers

I’m CJ. I make honest and useful books and essays at the intersection of creativity and sanity — an oasis in the creator economy.

I deliver by blog, email, RSS, and your choice of social media.

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Surviving Advice Season

The new year is almost upon us, which means we’re about to enter advice season. Yay! My only advice for surviving advice season is to add the following caveats to everything you’re told: * If it’s about AI, add: “…for now.” or “…yet.” * If it’s about productivity,

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Newsletters are getting personal

Cold can be beautiful. But this week we’re talking about warming things up. I wrote about the encouraging trend of newsletters getting more personal. I admit, I thought this would start happening a few years ago, but let’s just be glad it’s happening at all! — CJ Elsewhere:

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Newsletters are getting personal

A lot of my advice, especially to small businesses, involves getting more personal in their email newsletters. It remains a struggle to convince some businesses to include real names (not just the brand name), be a little less perfectionist in their designs, and write like a real human. The more